Monday 16 May 2016

Week 3

G'day all

Hope you enjoyed the weekend and were able to enjoy some of the warm weather! It's great isn't it? No real need for the winter woolies yet!!

Did you finish all the tasks last week? If not, please do so today. There should be at least 3 tasks that you had to complete and I hope you'll hand in those sheets to me today ... or at least tell me what you listened to in week 1!

If you're up to date then try this TED talk on Scam baiting. According to the latest research Australians have given more than $229 million to scammers! That's a lot of money!

Have a good week and happy blogging!

Sunday 8 May 2016

Week 2


Sorry I can't be with you today but I'm sure you're not missing me too much!! For all the mothers in the class, I hope that yesterday your children showed you what you mean to them and spoilt you lots!

Hope you enjoyed last week's computer room listening activities. If you didn't get to finish well you can do so now!

Today I'd you like to listen to listen and watch this BTN video about a technology challenge. Ask Gordana for the worksheet.

This class today is a good chance for you to explore some websites and discover the myriads of places in the world wide web where you can improve your English language! Try games, quizzes, YouTube etc!

If you're unsure you can begin by checking out the links on the right hand side of the page! Don't forget to record your findings on the worksheet i gave you last week!

Well, have a good afternoon and think of me slaving away packing boxes and cleaning up a house after 17 years of living in it!

See you next week and happy blogging!

Monday 2 May 2016


G'day all!

Using a blog is an interesting way to practise your English skills. You can write, add links - audio and video, communicate with others and really do pretty much anything!

I'm going to use this blog to direct you to specific listening tasks and give you suggestions for other good sites to improve all your English skills!

If you're interested you can create your own blog too!

Today's first task is to click on the underlined words and try out the following listening task. Try as many tasks as you can and don't forget to download the worksheets!!

This next task is a bit more challenging so give it a go here! When you have finished, look at the discussion question and write down the tips you remember!

If you still have time, then have a look around the site and find something that interests you! Remember to record your findings on the sheet I gave you this morning!!

Report back to me what you've listened to!

Have fun and I hope you enjoy blogging!!

Until next week!! Bye!!